Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Yellow Bench I Made

I told Val I would post a picture of the yellow bench I made. Here it is. I put white flowers on it and they look better in person than they do in the photograph at the right.
I have been selling these benches for $35 but my mother and wife say I should increase the price to $45. I'm afraid to do that as I may price myself out of selling them.
I tried to give up the Adirondack Chair business but a lady stopped yesterday and ordered two chairs, two footstools and a table, and I didn't even have my sign up out by the road --- I had taken it down. I guess I have to make the chairs whether I want to or not. I like the money though.

1 comment:

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Looks great Dad, I love the white on yellow!