Friday, July 5, 2013

(Bob) Etsy Sales and Current Projects . . .

A real nice lady stopped at our house last week to test my Mother for a new hearing aid.  While she was here, I showed her some of my work. She especially liked the box pictured above and ordered three versions of them.  The reason I mention this is that for some reason, my stuff doesn't sell all that well on Etsy, but it sells real well when people see it in person. I don't usually write in this blog about sales I make, but I felt I needed to say something.. I was getting discouraged because people weren't buying on Etsy. I know that this is a slow time of year, but they didn't even sell all that well on Etsy during the holidays. I think that there is so much competition on Etsy that it is hard to make a sale. At least for me anyways.

Below are pictured four of my newest creations. (Click on the photos to see enlargements of them.)  I am not going to put them on Etsy, but save them to take to a Craft or Art Show.  I am planning to develop a whole line of what I call "Gentle Folk Art" based on the style of an artist name Mary Jane Todd. I don't plan to copy her work, but just use her style in developing my own style. I don't think she would mind. --Bob


Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Your boxes are beautiful - congratulations on the sales and the folk art boxes especially look so pretty altogether.

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Looking back over these I didn't pay close enough attention to the sunflower box - that one is so pretty. :) They ALL are lovely, but you do flowers and fruit so exceptionally well.